Friday, 18 March 2016

Spring - An Anthology For The Changing Seasons

Spring begins this Sunday, 20 March with the vernal equinox. In March and September, on dates variable between the 19th, 20th and 21st the length of daylight and darkness is equal worldwide. Confusingly, 1 March is also considered the first day of spring. The reasons are explained in this BBC Weather video. A movable feast indeed.

This year spring began on 18 February for me with the publication of Spring - An Anthology For The Changing Seasons. The book includes a contribution of prose from me. Published by Elliott & Thompson in association with The Wildlife Trusts, Spring features contemporary writing alongside classic extracts from authors including Gilbert White, Edward Thomas, D.H. Lawrence, Dylan Thomas and Thomas Hardy. 

My piece puts the clock back five years to a life-changing experience. My response to my circumstances was very much influenced by my perspective on nature and the sense it gives me of my place in the world.